

Electrical systems are the most critical infrastructure within office Premises and Industrial applications. There are considerable benefits to be gained by protecting these systems and reducing unplanned Interruption. Electrical Thermography serves this purpose and helps you to detect any electrical problem before it arises.

Thermography is a non-destructive test method that may be used to detect poor connections, unbalanced loads, deteriorated insulation or other potential problems in energized electrical components. These problems may lead to excess power use, increased maintenance costs or catastrophic equipment failure resulting in unscheduled service interruptions, equipment damage, or other problems.

Thermography, also called Infrared Inspection, is based upon the sensing of heat emitted from the surface of an object in the form of infrared radiation. Test instruments are used to detect and convert the infrared radiation into either a temperature value or a thermal image, which can be used to assess the thermal condition of the object at the time of measurement. An infrared camera is one common type of an infrared thermal imaging device.

At NTIPL, we conduct infrared thermal imaging of machinery and electrical panels, helping us to detect faults before they become major issues. Our thermal imaging equipment produces accurate real-time high-resolution images; enabling engineers to detect problems that might otherwise go unnoticed. This gives you an opportunity to undertake remedial works prior to costly system failures or production stoppages occurring. Using infrared thermography is effective across all sectors in helping to reduce maintenance costs and even identify possible improvements.

It is an excellent diagnostic maintenance tool that improves both the efficiency and reliability of plant systems. Thermography surveys are conducted while your equipment is working and under normal operational conditions, any problems will be quickly located allowing you time to schedule maintenance when it is convenient for your business.

When Thermography scan is needed?

What is Thermography

While all properties can benefit from a Thermographic scan, those with high power consumption, multiple branch circuits, and distribution subsystems, or heavy equipment have the greatest need. Businesses with high electrical demands should have a Thermographic scan performed at least annually on critical systems, such as circuit panels, switchgear, and transformers. Based on the scan results, a schedule to rescan should be based on the types of equipment, power consumption, and age of the electrical systems.

We recommend regular thermography surveys of the following types of equipment:

Thermography Solutions

  • Fuse boards
  • Distribution boards
  • Busbar systems
  • Control panels
  • High voltage and medium voltage systems
  • Power line connections and insulators
  • Switchgear
  • Electronic components
  • UPS and battery systems
  • PLC connections
  • Motor control centers
  • Transformer
  • DG Set

Benefits of Thermography Analysis

  • Determines if the components and system have been properly installed and are not damaged
  • Reduces downtime
  • Reduces the risk of equipment failure
  • Increases safety
  • Improves insurability
  • Reduces liability exposure of the designers and installers
  • Improves system performance
  • Determines whether components and systems operate properly and meet the design intent
  • Determines if components and systems are in compliance with the project specifications and design
  • Reduces construction schedule delays

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