Identify how can we eliminate excessive Electrical heating by using Thermal Analysis solutions

Identify how can we eliminate excessive Electrical heating by using Thermal Analysis solutions

When a human body gets over heat, it is essential to go & check for Doctor & seek for medicines. Similarly, it goes with Electrical components & machines too. Machines & Components also can react to heat & it may affect to their working system which can alternately hamper to the Business output. A proper temperature is must for every electrical products & machines to work constantly. For identifying systematic temperature & to make the machines, component work smoother, a proper thermal analysis is necessary.

Thermal analysis is the process in which it detects & testify the temperature of machines at which it is getting heated. Thermal imaging or ‘thermography’ uses an infrared camera to detect heat.  We point these infrared cameras over electrical switchboards to show any hot components. These hot components can indicate loose connections, which can cause overloaded circuits, potential fire hazards or unbalanced loads and finally can end up with downtime.

Thermal Analysis – Need of every Electrical temperature testing.

Thermal analysis when talking in a general term, is a technique used to identify the time and temperature at which physical changes occur when a substance (Data center, PAC) is heated or cooled. This technique is defined according to the types of physical changes being analysed. When evaluating material characteristics, it is necessary to use different techniques or a combination of multiple techniques depending on the purpose.

Exclusive features Network Techlab’s Thermal Analysis offering.

  1. You get 3D (3 dimensional) analysis.
  2. Can make modification & edit in images captured.
  3. Live viewing of infrared images & video.
  4. Create template & custom reports.
  5. Multiple image or video formats.
  6. Annotation option available.
  7. Categorization & catalogue images .
  8. Side-by-side comparison.

8 identifiers that can highly evaluate Electrical heating issue.

  1. It is harmless as compare to Conventional electrical analysis.
  2. Inexpensive in nature.
  3. Ideal for heat measurement as a preventive medicine.
  4. Great deal for early health screening of Electrical components.
  5. Easy to use with manual script
  6. No emission of radiation.
  7. Helps testing without effecting Business downtime
  8. Can reduce the cause of fire.

Know the application area of Thermal Analysis.

Thermal Analysis is highly essential to carry out the fundamental heating in Electrical components to avoid any fire interruption.

You can use Thermal Analysis at every sector where major electrical components are used like Manufacturing units, organization & commercial sector, Retail units, auditoriums, various plants etc. Thermal properties can be measured as function of temperature or time over a wide temperature range from − 150°C to 1600°C. Thermal analysis is widely used to study the thermal stability, char content, and decomposition temperature of polymer composites reinforced with natural/synthetic fibres/or nanosized fillers.
Thermal imaging should be carried out every 12 months at a minimum; however testing should occur more frequently where environmental factors are prevalent.


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