One of the leading banks securing their remote workforce with maximum scalability.
Remote Security Solution from Network Techlab helps one of the leading banks to protect their remote workforce with the same level of tight security while they working remotely.
One of the Leading Bank
Financial Services
Solutions Offered
Palo Alto Prisma Access
A global Financial Institution established started in 1999 is India’s largest and most profitable Mutual Fund manager with ₹3.8trillion in Assets under management. During FY 18-19 they carried out an IPO (Initial Public Offerings), and became a publicly listed company in August 2018. Currently, 20% of the company is owned by the public.
The company offers a comprehensive suite of Savings and Investment products across asset classes, which provides income and wealth creation opportunities to our large retail and institutional customer base of 9.4 million live accounts.
Need for the Solution:
The result of the Global Pandemic is seen everywhere in the world. This has changed the way we were working earlier vs now and in the future.
Disruptive use of technology is been useful and blissful in this challenging time. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a drastic increase in the number of users working from home. Giving similar user experience to users when they access internal applications, at the same time managing the same consistent security to access internal application was challenging and tough due to short time and uncertainty. This was the major challenge; there was a frequent change in the number of concurrent users who needed a scalable and flexible solutions which could get deployed in shorter period, without any change in existing security architecture.
As most of the users were working from the home, the key area to installing agent on the end users laptop and making sure that all the internal applications are working fine. We also had to ensure that the user should get the same corporate internet policy while they work on the company devices.
Getting reshaped with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology
 The core challenge was to get integrated with the AI-Based SIEM Solutions which works on the Machine Learning Security Patterns. As a solution, we provided was Cloud base solution and they had an on-prem SIEM solution which was on their physical DC.
All the logs were encrypted and SIEM needed server certificates to accept all the logs. Finally, we got the certificate validated from the internal customer team and then it started working.
Solution and Benefits:
- Cloud-based solutions Prisma Access offered by Network Techlab which was highly scalable and flexible.
- No Hardware installation and maintenance was required with the solutions provided which trim the fat from clients pocket
- Connectivity and security feature bundled in one solution which has provided maximum benefits like:
- Application and user-based security policy
- Threat prevention which includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, vulnerability protection, anti-bot
- Sandboxing solution which will block zero-day threat (ATP)
- DNS security which blocks all malicious DNS request
- URL filtering which helps in blocking all unwanted websites
- Once users are connected to Prisma access using the agent, all the traffic will be forwarded to the Prisma access cloud and get scanned for all the security features.
- All Traffic is now getting forwarded to Prisma Access Cloud and getting scanned for all security features; once user connected to the agent
- Only the internal traffic to access the internal application is been forwarded to physical DC
- All the internet traffic goes to the internet directly from Prisma access (No pause in the traffic).
- After the successful installation of Prisma Access from Network Techlab, we were able to analyze, if any user was trying to connect to the website which has malicious DNS is getting Blocked.
- Network Techlab provided a complete detailed security analysis report which helped our client’s Security Operations Team to check on the end system and then scan the same.

Network Techlab (I) Pvt. Ltd.
41, Sarvodaya Industrial Estate, Opp. Paper Box, Off. Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400093. India
P: 022-6681 4141 | |
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