How Have Data Centers Become The Brain Of The Company?

How Have Data Centers Become The Brain Of The Company?

Data Centers are a form of value-added service that offers resources for processing and storing data on a large scale for organizations of any size. Professionals may have at hand a structure of great power, flexibility, high security, and also qualified in terms of hardware and software to process and store information.

There are Two main categories of data centers:

  1. Data Center at Own Site
  2. Conventional Data Center
  3. Smart Data Center
  4. Data Center at Co-location.

Data Center at own Site

is owned and operated by private corporations, institutions or government agencies with the primary purpose of storing data resulting from processing operations, procedure and also in applications related to the Internet.

Data Center at Co-location

is usually owned and operated by a provider of telecommunications services by operators of commercial telephony or other types of providers of telecommunications services. Its main objective is to provide various types of connection services, web hosting and equipment to its users. Services can range from long distance communications to Internet access, content storage, etc. The client hires the racks of physical space and infrastructure for energy and telecommunication, but the servers, systems, management, monitoring and technical support are provided by the client. This relationship can be relaxed and it is customary to establish a contract with the terms and conditions, clearly defining the scope of services of each side.
One aspect that must be observed while hiring a service for Data Center is the type of access (co-location) that the user will have from the server service provider. The type of access will be defined by which the server will be accessed if necessary.

If the co-location is hired, the access is granted by employees of the data center service provider, locally. If the co-location is remote, access is provided through remote control software that will be chosen by the user. In this case the application is installed on the remote access server by the staff of the service provider.

Eventually one or more tools may need maintenance or there may be a need to install new applications. In such cases, the user must request the service provider to arrange whatever is necessary for the operation. While hosting the server, the user signs a term stating the legality of all software installed on your server.

There are lot of things to consider when designing a data center, from external space and location to the interior design and the efficiency of the building. Having designed and built hundreds of data centers and computer rooms, the NTIPL team are well positioned to give helpful advice to any organizations planning a new data center in the near future. Here are their top tips for designing a cost effective and energy efficient date facility.

Risk Factors of Data Centers:

  • Natural Origin
  • Heat
  • Cold
  • Flooding
  • Earthquake
  • Lightning
  • Air Pollution Contamination
    • Equipment Failure Vandalism
    • Unintentional Human Errors
    • Sabotage
    • Terrorism
      • Data Network Origin
      • Network Saturation
      • Virus Hackers

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